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Fashion in Europe- it's all about the shoes...

Europe 2014 1084

The last 3 summers have found my family and I in various parts of Europe and NYC.  We have travelled to Prague, Vienna, France, England, Ireland, Iceland and New York City.  What strikes me each time is how the clothing, no matter where I am in the world, looks much of a much.  Take a blindfold off me in Ireland and I wouldn't know if I am looking at people in London or Vienna or New York.  Until I look a little more closely...specifically I look down.  Then I see a big difference between the Europeans and the Americans.  The shoes, the shoes are so much more stylish than what we, in America, wear! When I look at men’s fashion in the UK and Europe there is a far more feminine feel than in America, and that goes for their shoes as well.  Speaking with some friends, they feel that the European/UK men take a very keen interest in what they wear.


In Paris where women have always been so well groomed and stylish there is a change amongst the younger women as they embrace the global fashion look. That is to say causal jeans and tops and stylish, but casual, shoes.  Women over 45 generally speaking, are still very well groomed with higher heels and smarter choices.  And, every summer, I really enjoy seeing the stylish dresses that some Parisian women seem to wear so effortlessly.


Interestingly, in Prague, the over 45 set seem quite conservative in their choice of shoes and clothing, make up and hairstyles.

This summer we stopped off for a weeklong visit to Iceland and things are largely the same, although in Reykjavik, I was reminded of Boulder Colorado with it's very sporty causal apparel for most ages.  Again, I have to add, the shoes are better and the Icelandic made shoes are amazingly creative!  Stay tuned for a blog post on Icelandic fashion.

All this globalization means that we end up look a lot like each other in our fashion choices, at least until we look at the shoes!

Europe 2014 1084

Jennifer Krigsman

Personal Stylist
